1. 公共財政系統
2. 公共衛生系統(例一)
3. 公共教育系統
Capitalism vs socialism...
儘管有人認為經濟學、社會學、心理學未必盡然是 exact science,但畢竟這些學科累積著數十甚至過百年的學術基礎,忽略這些基礎所帶來的含義,而單靠「目的」來指導行為,其結果必將符合這些學問所揭示的「問題」,而非讓學問本身在現實中解決問題...
需求先決 vs 供應先決...
Citizenship 先決 vs Leadership 先決。「文化」本身就是一個「社會需求」,一個社會有那樣的文化,就反映那些會出現需求,亦反映那些會出現抗拒。
Infantrie greift an...
1. 凡被提到的名字,絕大部分都英年早逝
2. 戰場上最重要的武器是「手帕」
3. 軍官的高死亡率,與團隊的高成功率存在一個正面的相互關係
4. 戰爭遊戲最難 simulate 的,就是 fear factors...
First World War...
原來法國前線在戰事的高潮有過一次大規模的叛變,還讓我學到一個新名詞:conscientious objector...
就在翻閲First World War 的史料時...
嘩! 虐兒呀(在圖書館丟失了阿女, 仲話唔係)!
高官呢...別對他們有期望, 就沒有失望。
(唔好找我, 過埋今日就要閉關讀書了!)
No. 2 is clear, who is 高官之一? The one who are going to race with no. 2?
"儘管有人認為經濟學、社會學、心理學未必盡然是 exact science,... 忽略這些基礎所帶來的含義." Totally agree, it is almost a sure outcome and I think this poor trend is accelerating in the internet era. It almost boils down to the dual greatness and traps of Wikipedia..... I think the reality is NOT exact (chaotic), so one should not focus on a particular piece of "knowledge" from any of the above disciplines. A layman may find some concepts contradictory to each others within each discipline (from Wikipedia or internet), thus dismiss the whole discipline and revert to "intuition" during the decision-making process (& dismiss the opinions of experts, and assume they are experts themselves after reading Wikipedia.) This problem is getting booming. It is because people tend to think that there are some secrets in each professional discipline, and only if they know the "secret books", they will become professional themselves. Now they have Wiki, so they are experts. This is a common but a superficial belief only. An expert in a particular discipline will find the facts of technical terms in Wikipedia very useful as everything is now on his fingertip. However, a person outside that discipline, after reading the same page, will have an illusion that he has gain the knowledge and can act accordingly. Usually, they will either be too confident or too quick to be disappointed if it fails in the reality. The former will say they don't need experts, the latter will distrust them.
In fact, there are many hidden meanings and exceptions in each technical page. A particular page is only a crystallized section of a body of knowledge. People who hate experts can use them to argue for the sake of argue. It is quite difficult for an expert to reply because more often than not, the answer is too complex to spell out. In order to explain one concept,he will need to explain another. In extreme case, one needs to trace back to some clear conceptualization in A-level physics, chem, econ, bio etc. Then you will realize the "audience" in fact haven't studied them! The "audience" are nobody but in fact "professional" like te....., nu..., so.... ......; when they say your methods didn't work (they have tried) or your method is not "scientific", what you can do are 1) give up talking, 2) use action to demonstrate (not in front of them), 3) tell something almost wrong but make sense to them in order to gain their support.
... all depend on who and how to do it.
Warren Buffet has told us how to do ("secret knowledge"). Given the "fear" emotion (not able to simulate in game), complexity and dynamics, not many people got the abilities to do the right things, fix the problem, cure the incurable, or have the right strategies and solutions. It is because Warren Buffet has the abilities to be an expert in stock, not because he has the knowledge. What I am doing is to raise the abilities..... from 100 to 120 based on science. ^^
... all depend on who do it and how to do it. Buffet has told us what to do ("secret knowledge"). (amendment)
No. 1 = No. 2
若然你留意到該議員的質詢,其實是先去project 一個結論,然後問個官既有咁既結論而又反結論之道而行。對於我,個議員,一係問得好差,一係根本當市民係傻既。若果響商界,個官既反應隨時會係我既反應(不過呢度係議事廳)。
>>it is almost a sure outcome and I think this poor trend is accelerating in the internet era. It almost boils down to the dual greatness and traps of Wikipedia.....
不知何故,奇怪我近日有種感覺,或許是因為處身這個環境,覺得disrespect knowledge的「情況」嚴重了。這個情況不是不尊重專業,而是單單不尊重知識。... 又或許不應該說不尊重知識,而是不再接受新「知識」,傾向自閉心靈。奇怪...
>>from 100 to 120 based on science.
Good luck(luck, not in its literal sense)!
Wiki is great and very accurate. So I find it very useful - I am its fans. Just that people not having enough background (not as expert as you) will take those information in literal sense. It is fairly hard to imagine how reader can make sense of a particular piece of good article. "Equipped" with one piece of information, without appreciation of the context of the whole body of knowledge, can be problematic - almost like WyXX marketing strategy. ^^
disrespect knowledge的「情況」嚴重
I think is related to internet boom. People find that there are so many different "knowledge" on the net. Wiki is a source of good knowledge provided it is read by a good quality (ability) man like you. But there are many "knowledge" from different blog or "expert" voice. e.g. The news I have shown you - the respectable professional said children attention span is only 5-10 min. For her, it is true because she herself does not have the skills to engage a child. For me, 90 min is a minimum, usually 3 hours continuously with some toilet break only. From your experience, I am sure you can engage your children more than 5 min. So, there are many noises spreading quickly, when someone say the truth, they will be dismissed by the false, as the latter appear more often and outnumber the truth. In a broader sense, all teenagers can voice their knowledge. There is no differentiation of the knowledge in an average person's mind. The piece of 5min attention news will be imprinted in the mind of many parents, it is very difficult for me to erase afterwards. An average human brain (not your gifted one) tends to forget the quality of the source. Who knows that the girl is not educated about the brain at all unless you have gone through their course. I know they don't know because I have gone through that course. So from our perspective, people are getting more and more disrespectful of knowledge, but from their perspective they are more and more respectful of knowledge and almost believe that they have the knowledge after copying the answer in wiki or from yahoo knowledge. I am quite sure that they feel that they are very powerful and respectful of expert knowledge, e.g. many will quote me some medical knowledge. Once I read someone post a piece of fairly accurate diagnostic information and then match it with his lab result. He rejoices saying the culture is "positive". (Only if you have a minimal entry level biochem knowledge, you will know positive does not mean good). Even he knows the answer, one cannot diagnose by just matching a diagnostic table - there are many hidden jargon not possibly defined in each article.
P.S. I am a supporter of internet overall - it speeds up civilization.
俺中意佢果種置身於事外,玩世不用恭,錢財無所求,名譽幾時有 - 既灑脫做人態度。
disrespect knowledge﹖你而家先知﹖好多人,就算話聲穿稱討論係好事,但都覺得冇咩所謂。所以,寫咁多野做咩﹖呵。
Haha, what's happening is I usually disengage my children within 5 minutes.
Piecemeal information... viruses... prions... plasmids...
提起「冇政治技巧」,我都有同感,如果根據市井心理學推論,其實佢地對特手係有期望既,仲投射一個father figure落去添。
又係呵。好比喻。哈哈。下次我會對他們講,小心病毒(講笑,免得聽眾以為我講那這正確資料為有「病」「毒」。)又要我教A-level Bio. ^^
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