好鍾意打機,前排尤迷《Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare》,絕對可以打到天昏地暗。如果響入面比人射瓜左,佢會好唔通氣咁整句某某名人既quote,係要黎個小反高潮。之但,我又好鍾意呢兩句(摘自Call of Duty 3)。
"A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it." - Oscar Wilde
"All nations want peace, but they want a peace that suits them." - Admiral Sir John Fisher
前排我心血來潮,就響佢其中一幅畫寫左幾隻字(紅色smear 本為阿女個名),然後靜靜雞放響檯面。日頭真係比佢發現左!。。。嗯,如果用勃然大怒黎形容佢即時既反應,都庶幾近矣。佢話:「我唔鍾意爸爸寫呢幾個字!我唔要爸爸鍾意我!」(非身在現場,E&OE。)總之,佢老豆我聽番,都呆左半秒。
近日又當眾發脾氣,甚至話「嫲嫲煮飯都唔好食,媽媽煮果d先好食加嘛!。。。唏,真係好大壓力呀。。。」不得了,真係鬼知響邊庶學返黎。在場親友明言行為過分,跟阿仔的乖巧順服相去甚遠,問我有否想過送「醫生」治理云云。我一不置可否,二直言未曾想過,三實在不急定罪。返屋企後講返,阿Moon 跟我莞爾一笑,想法大同小異,或抱殘守缺,或明知不可為而為之,不爭朝夕。
隨風而行,就算唔可以盡人意,或者,都可以盡天意... 卦。
BTW, 祝中秋節快樂^^
How old is your daughter? Which grade she is in?
Her personality is still evolving... Ha ha^^
She is probably learning to be independent...
It is so funny to see the developmental process of your kids, post more of their behaviour, what they think and talk about, their daily activities, if you have time.
Let's learn from them together :)
A belated Mid-Autumn greeting! She's now 4 in K2 and I am vigorously examining her behaviour and personality.
Interventions are mostly re-directing and guiding, don't believe much on the gesture of something like "shaping". Nonetheless, I know very little about personality.
Vow, tell me yours then!
I think her personality development is still unfolding. Talking about shaping, people somehow fall into a cognitive trap assuming that children are clay, and one can therefore mold them (behaviour) into whatever they want, not unlike animal training in disguise. Perhaps, one tends to oversimplify human's mind, or one might assume those tricks shared among the parents community work well. Often, those tricks might not the true explanation of any observed changes, and those resulting changes might have tipped the balance of something else, and that will create yet another issue later on. Let's use the financial world as an analogy, pumping more money into the system might not necessarily result into a higher GDP; even if it does, some other problems arise.
There are many subtle differences between a "good" cluster of traits versus a "bad" one. Whether those traits are good or bad should be interpreted within the framework of the children's cognitive abilities. For example, impulsivity might be problematic for an average child, but not much so for the clever one.
But it is definitely a memorable experience to interact with kids, even they are naughty. Did you cry when she said 我唔要爸爸鍾意我? :P, I am more interested to know how you felt and what was in your mind at that moment. :)
Vow... 我的想法跟你很像。
性格attributes的絕對性,是各父母的誤區,也是有心父母們需要克服的難關。正如犬女容易發脾氣的性格,除非我絕對肯定她的行為是出於某種極端地不能包容的性格(so to speak),才會有「定案」(aka 定罪),否則,我還會努力不懈去了解她這個行為的原因。說不定或許發現那個一直被忽略的簡單「需要」。
yes, I think so too.
Enneagram is an interesting thinking framework, alike astrology. It can be useful to help one quickly identify the typologies of people, useful for laypeople and small talks. It resembles EQ's kind of vague and "almost always true" conceptual framework.
My view on personality is almost the integral of all the pathological traits (tendency)in relation to his or her cognitive abilities. Personality is not simply because he or she happens to have that particular thinking styles. A thief thinks she can trick everyone and will not actually perceive the victim as victim, hence she has no guilty and even go to church, as I have described. Her personality is therefore based on her cognitive abilities and psychiatric make-up.
:) that is very good fathering. I must invite you to talk about your parenting experience, attitudes and ideas, as an exemplar. Most importantly,you know what you are doing and why so ~ This is enough, because whether certain manifested behaviour should be judged as good or bad is not that straightforward as those fellow parents or relatives might think after taking a snapshot kind of observation.
Haha it might be a good idea to think of her as your little girlfriend, like what you are doing :P
Right. I'm perfectly fine with seeing Enneagram (and other tools as well) as an analytical leverage paving way for future interventions (and behavioral modifications). But I want to see much deeper, into the minds and mentality of the subject, simply because the subject is my daughter.
... good fathering... parenting... thanks, but I have some reservations. At least from behavioral perspectives, this style leaning towards kind of laissez faire parenting, relies a lot on one's esper skills and energy and other contextual influences. There are risks losing "control". (alright, controlling is the core of this style.)
But I do feel relieved when I heard you said "This is enough". Love it.
And the little girlfriend... hmmm, I'm not good at handling bunch of girlfriends at a time, can I leave it as she is? =p
That is true. Surely, there are ways to tackle the mentality of development of your daughter at different levels. Your fathering approach, philosophy, and attitude, I think is the best I have ever seen. You fathering definitely is an exemplar. That is enough because as a responsible father, you have already invested your best asset - your brain and heart, then there is no regret, and should feel self-fulfilled when you look back sixty years later.
Often,matters are not controllable for they are outside your scope or more accurately outside the control of mankind. For example, a rebellious child may turn out to become a leader who alters the history.
I seldom talk about behavioural modification not because I won't do it. It is too easy to do. As a parent, of course, one can teach and thereby shape bad habits into good ones by doing so. That is good. But if you've succeeded in modifying a particular behaviour by the method of shaping, does it mean she has already become a better person?
Some people more "expert" than you in fact got only one trick (one lens) in their bag,so everything they see will inevitably be defined in terms of behaviour. Still, some other people are good at talking about depression and and anxiety, they will teach any frustrating client with positive thinking and relaxing. You know the outcomes. They might not be wrong, but it is not about curing and making a real change at fundamental level. If one start to talk about curing or instilling a real change, one needs to think about changing the brain and minds. There are many reasons for the same observable problem.... To teach a parent to intervene is not easy if not impossible, for one needs to know the parent and the child very well.
But, I am now getting to know your daughter :)) Enjoy your precious moment while she still allows you to.
N.B. When某種極端地不能包容的性格 is not arguable, then intervene in whatever way you can (especially for parents like you, being reasonable and thoughtful), it can't be wrong.
(內子見你字,她馬上命令我:講就天下無敵,今晚打少d 機陪多d個女喇!)
Oooo... by the method of shaping, does it mean she has already become a better person?
This is it! I really wish she would become a better "her"-"self", not a better "she" of "myself".
I was walking upstairs on my way back home thinking about how she will look like... my parenting style... her choice... my choice... and all sort of silly things. Finally when I step in the house, I found I have no choice at all to deal with all these happy problems.
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