Friday, September 03, 2010










火鶴 said...

信念呢家嘢, 跟本沒有邏輯可言, 不宜理性考究, 信就信, 唔信就 that's it. 可惜有太多信徒將事情搞到沒完沒了, 嘗試將死人拗番生, 所以便惹來太多非議, 太多人反感.


ah-yun said...


我一直都有追看名劍﹐有些對自己信仰都有反思的。但﹐越看反而更清楚自己的信念吧。他說的也有道理﹐不過我覺得自己有自己的道理囉。嘿!! 可能年紀大了﹐覺得﹐沒有作戰動力了。因為劍招較高明的一方﹐永遠都不能真正打敗對方。因為其實不是看劍招的啦。


黑人 said...


奕 said...





魔術師 said...

若有真的心 便有最高的剑道
没有真的心 得到也是无

小霖秘笈 郭小霖
曲:B Blue/P Greedus
词:林振强 编:郭小霖
小霖秘笈 武林至尊 恩恩怨怨 江湖了断

聚集在三更的半夜 十二派高手要跟我过招
月亮是刀光的折射 乱石无言地说不妙

风声怪叫似要吸血 武侠用尽力量争夺
全为那秘笈 载着最劲秘密
我为要夺到 便要动武
打打打 乱去打尖笃背部
又再假假假 用个假身掩眼部
用我口水花 飞镖似浪涛
大笑哈哈 用我笑声敲脑部
用我奸手指 挑剔你命途
又再叉叉叉 用个尖叉笃背部
任你轻功好 始终冇去路

十二高手都战败 被我怪招震荡到跌倒
石岩上蟋蟀都哧坏 现在那秘笈我得到

风声怪叫似要吸血 冷月寂静像被点穴
垂目看秘笈 发现这段秘密
"若有真的心 便有最高的剑道
若有真的心 一生会自豪
若有真的心 便有最高的剑道
没有真的心 得到也是无"

现在事事用热心 热力获自内在真
大大量量地待人 便绝不需要打
现在事事用热心 热力获自内在真
热热烈烈地待人 便绝不需要假

杜绝杜绝妒忌心 杜绝杜绝毒恨心
大大量量地待人 便绝不需要打
现在事事用热心 热力获自内在真
热热烈烈地待人 便绝不需要假

后悔打打打 乱去打尖马背部
用我"阴湿掌" 推出我路途
后悔假假假 用个假身掩眼部
用我口水花 飞镖似浪涛

若有真的心 便有最高的剑道
若有真的心 一生会自豪
若有真的心 便有最高的剑道
没有真的心 得到也是无

C.M. said...




C.M. said...




C.M. said...




C.M. said...



但亦因此,我不斷疑惑,你為何覺得自己是一個agnostic。 你該比我更清楚你自己,無論你的「矛盾心得」是否以幾何級數倍增,這些心得都不過有崖隨無崖矣。

C.M. said...




奕 said...




Anonymous said...

Hello CM,

Due to some sticky matters, I have "dived in" very deep for a long long time. My mood tells me to drop in and leave a line.


C.M. said...



亦信亦疑,無錯,亦係大部分信徒既寫照。而我,準備緊果篇,亦正準備以Dealing with Ambiguity 為切入點。

How do "I" explain the other hundreds of discrepancies in the New Testament?

C.M. said...

Hello Anonymous-B,

You're much welcome and I long to hear more from you.

Anonymous said...

Me too. you have changed you motto to LOOK AT ME. AND YOU WILL FEEL BETTER WITH YOURSELF. Yes,I find that there is still a spirit with an inquisitive mind, and much more..., so I feel better.

In fact, I dreamed to open a blog to write about my view about life. It would be less technical. But I think time does not allow me to do so. So, I talk about it as if I have "done" it. :)


魔術師 said...



奕 said...

今次好似喺你文縐縐在先㗎播 ;)

Why go back to square one and ask the question again after we've gone this far? You can either:
1. follow scholars' path and repeat the same old things they've said for decades (unless there is new evidence surfacing to break the old grounds, otherwise i doubt if you could have any new insight to add to the disputed between scholars on issues that has been raised by textual critics for decades); or

2. leave one foot in faith and step the other one in territory of questions (besides discrepancies' not only limited to NT but OT as well. But I have to remind you, if you start asking questions, one question will inevitably lead to another and before you know, it might take you too far to return to your starting point unless you have safety measures.)


C.M. said...


Goodness, you noticed the other face of that! One day's end I felt lost and tired, I minded to pop some zits and looked into the mirror. Then all of a sudden, I realized there is something good looking into the eyes of oneself.

(Haha, crafty you. Let's "proclaim" you've "done" that.)

C.M. said...



C.M. said...



That question is, obviously, for those who wish for an answer of their own; not those who wish for "the answer".

Anonymous said...

May I join the discussion from this point?

My observation is that the original dispute remains there while those researchers who set off to answer it several decades ago will descend into many different subspecialties (species), providing fruitful applications. The original questions remain useful(i.e. interesting or generate marketing value) for the public to discuss or for an undergraduate to get an A grade essay.

Example: A clever guy coined the term EQ which strike the cord of layman understanding and hopes (believing their IQ might not be very high in heart, but got EQ to look forward to). Since then, the question whether EQ is more important than IQ has been debated. But, do you think a poor brain machinery can behave in a way such that people would interpreted as high EQ? EQ and IQ basically can be subsumed under cognition. To me, EQ does not really exist. But from another angle, EQ remains to be a useful language to deliver an market-packaged ideals. I often use it to communicate too, since whenever I use it, people nod their heads and seem to get an insight.

Anonymous said...

BTW, 先練九陽神功再練九陰真經, 從經驗來看,可大大提高練後者時的效率。不過時間就真係長D,近期又被迫練天蠶功,不太覺得是奇遇,因為練功的日子真是晤講得笑,可免則免。

seikomatic said...


奕 said...


then there's no need to ask that question. just feed them whatever they wanna hear.


It's interesting how the issue spins off into the demand and supply of the academy but there is certain truth from this angle. Funny also that you've brought up cognition and EQ. Cognition, in fact, depends on the physical wiring of our brain. If the logical part of our brain is damaged or born defective, the patient will not be able to process information logically until the brain would re-wire itself to achieve the same goal that was otherwise impossible. EQ on the other hand, as you've said and which I also believed, has no such thing. It is nothing more than a looped repetiton masqueraded rhetorically. In chaos theory, if we draw a graph of equations based on complex mathematics and subjected the graph to a repetitive run over a period of time, the graph may appear to look something like what we've known as tree or leaf. So in layman's term, if we keep working on something under the right condition (one doesn't have to be particularly smart) he'll achieve something sooner or later.

Putting cognition and the so called EQ together, there we have it, the many schools of thought and wisdom collectively accumulated by our civilization over years. If one can take a step backward and look at the big picture from a distance, these different school of thoughts actually stemmed from different types of people whose brains are wired differently and the functions of these different knowledge serve different purposes in our society. Although they are by nature different, sometimes even mutually exclusive, their coexistence keep the balance in check and sustain the growth of human society. So it is really unnecessary for different schools of academic goes about biting each other's head off.


C.M. said...

(很想搭嘴,但實在忙得不可開交,惟有暫作壁上觀... 方發覺原來也一樣高興)

C.M. said...


"EQ remains to be a useful language to deliver an market-packaged ideals."

Language. After the fall of the Babel tower, language became an everlasting conflict. 事實上,有些定義,對我來說一直都是沒有意思的。正如你說 "EQ does not really exist."。而我所想的「宗教」,就或許有如你的"EQ"。

C.M. said...



C.M. said...



Anonymous said...

Hi 奕:Oh, I am rejoicing over having three wild horses racing on this wonderland here.

For me, 九陽神功 are disciplines which mainly require concrete and straight-forward one-to-one deductive reasoning; while 九陰真經 are those using abstract dynamic many-to-one and one-to-many inductive deduction/deductive induction, which is relatively uncommon. Learners, partly due to increased opportunity cost incurred on taking a second discipline once graduated from either one, and partly because of different inclination based on different brain wiring as you say, can rarely cross-breed two or more more discipline in serious sense.

Yes, you are really reading my mind! Although I know no more than the name of Chaos Theory itself, I meant what you describe. As we set off with certain aims, we will be forced to interact with different experience during the quest. In this everlasting process of human civilization, we create many ingenious knowledge and products, we can't live without.

This is the most accurate presumption - "these different school of thoughts actually stemmed from different types of people whose brains are wired differently and the functions of these different knowledge serve different purposes in our society".

At the juncture, I would say, 一個圍棋局便成形. Because 九陽神功 is relatively easier to master, there are huge number of disciples. The interesting thing for a 棋仕,便是怎樣看通棋局的亮點,把滿是黑子的棋盤,變白D,達至平衡 check and balance.The goal is to make the society even more efficient with a better paradigm.

Does not matter to use 黑子 as 白子 because people understand it more for whatever reasons, just like use the term EQ to talk about cognition, despite the fact that EQ is only a manifestation of how well one's cognition or brain machinery is running.


Anonymous said...

Hi C.M.,

If I have adopted your view on religion, I would not be so frustrating. I opted out and discover a different world. You are so great that you can raise above the prison of it, when you are still within the circle!


Anonymous said...

註:黑子如果是一般喜愛EQ的受眾,真正的難度是在發現一眾黑棋士 ^^

C.M. said...

Hi Anonymous-B:

Do you remember the maze and puzzle? Highly "religious" people are inclined to a "maze" perspective. Rather, I see faith as life itself and inclined to a "puzzle" perspective. This is how I coup with ambiguity.

And I didn't opt in. I was opted "to".

Wish you see what I see.

奕 said...



我最唔鍾意困局。由其喺果啲因為棋盤大小嘅規限(人搞出嚟嘅規矩/同知少少扮代表嘅科學家)搞到綁手綁腳嘅狀況,就好似喺個迷宮度咁。所以,我最鍾意嘅solution就喺唔守規矩break the rules。要解迷宮一定要跳出個迷宮嘅平面(以鳥瞰角度/跨越領域cross-breed disciplines去解)先會解得快。不過成日走去break人哋嘅rules/norms好容易會同時被黑子同白子一齊追殺。

就算好似cm嘅砌圖approach咁,黑子會話你砌錯圖追殺你,白子又會話你夠膽死話個圖唔喺完整又要追殺你。所以最好嘅solution就喺既唔做黑子又唔做白子,做一塊鏡子,黑子泊埋嚟就喺黑子,白子泊埋嚟就喺白子。畢竟跟本冇人見過究竟全圖喺點。好可能重有紅橙黃綠青藍紫。For me, I'm sure the world's more colorful than just black and white :)

Anonymous said...

Hi C.M.,
I don't remember the maze and puzzle analogies. Did you mention somewhere in this wonderland?

Please tell me how this can be related to coping with ambiguity?

At this point of time, my life view is roughly like this - When you look back your life trajectory, you may find a lot of pivotal moments which almost like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle gradually fall into place. That looks like a plan or a fate or what the Chaos Theory posits - infinite number of looping will result into a leaf, that you wonder who has made it.

If life is a maze, which I am now researching on in real sense, then it is too easy, as trial-and-error will do. Or you can then ask a "life-guide", supposedly looking from a bird-eye view, to tell you where is the next turn that lead to a fruitful end.

Religion itself is something I respect very much. Nonetheless, I don't respect a person who has robbed the others and then turn to religion immediately so as gain "support" or a peace of mind (as part of the plan).

In this case, I would think there is "the way" 道, by doing so, she will train herself to a criminal mind, because she is using using her superego to help herself doing the wrong deeds (rather than sending a guilty signal for a normal person, with the help of religion), and therefore spiral down. For many, including me, religion provide the virtues or ideals. I think I opted out the religion formality, such as reading the bible word by word and try to explain and defend it. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi 奕,

Hm, when one uses a bird eye view or a wide angle, one may evaluate the daily win-and-loss differently. Someone said, if you live in 秦朝, you probably will condemn the Emperor. If one live at the present time, eventhough one might not agree with everything he did, one may say he has united Chinese nations, otherwise, now the mainland would be look like Europe.

Because I have similar habits as yours, I often 苦思"不過成日走去break人哋嘅rules/norms好容易會同時被黑子同白子一齊追殺". This is one of the reasons, why I think it would be better for me to learn 天蠶功, because I first of all need to put myself into the cocoon,ha ha.

黑子會話你砌錯圖追殺你? So you don't 下子? Probably not, mirroring has a high survival value, I guess. Sure win and have a colourful life :P, but I agree.


C.M. said...


咁又似喎。即係我向下發展,你就向上? ^^


C.M. said...


Ah yes. I was talking about an old theory: Solutions live in a maze. Visions live in a puzzle.

簡單講,如果混合你同阿奕講既,一隻迷宮中既白老鼠為搵出路就靠trial and error,有時會失望到暈,有時又有信心到震,甚至靠高人指點。「外」比「內」更主導。Religious people often ask: why are WE like that? Why do YOU do that? Who are THEY? Contingent factors predominate how they interpret life. They rarely ask: who am I?

Puzzle 嘛,大概係相反囉。