Wednesday, August 10, 2011


On discrimination

If we don't admit a natural occurrence of indifference and resistance and fear for differences, we walk anti-discrimination laws and proclamations by their words, not by their spirit.

Discrimination must take into account of this natural occurrence in order to nurture mutual acceptance. Discrimination is not unidirectional but works both ways. While we admit we ourselves humans naturally fear, resist and partialize differences, we earn something bit-by-bit when we understand about we ourselves AND they humans.

The Genius of the AND has to be learnt. The Tyrannt of the OR is when we see all natural laws, beings and limits, with indifference, resistance and fear.


London in flames

Damn! It's not riot. It's a revolt!

It's too hard for me to share the views commentators put the blame on racial discrimination and junior unemployment when we can see children under 10 joined the ranks.

When children burn, rob and vandalise, whether agitated or at will, one can imagine how they communicate with their older ones, especially their parents.

This is a cultural revolt, a clash between the old and the young, not between races, not between social roles.

Deadlines and Stalingrad


讓我想起 Stalingrad。當年德蘇兩方只為一個名字一個意義搏鬥。



魔術師 said...

占飛 忽然文化

這幾天的英國騷亂仍是一貫的三部曲:先是群眾聚集抗議不公義,繼而破壞縱火,最後發展成搶掠,但今次的搶掠卻有與別不同之處。首先是他們懂得用Twitter、黑莓等媒介互通消息,一區一區的去搶掠。先是貧民區,繼而波及中產乃至高中產區;先在倫敦,之後蔓延至伯明翰、曼徹斯特、利物浦等沒有發生不公義事件的地區,顯然是為搶掠而搶掠。其次,部分青年搶匪認為這是good fun,「告訴警察及有錢人我們想做乜便做乜」。第三,暴徒打家劫舍,視法律如無物,竟然還理直氣壯的呼叫別人加入搶掠的行列。不少短訊聲稱,搶掠只是拿「免費的東西」(free stuff)。是故,不只一個搶匪把他的「戰利品」公然陳列,真人不怕露相地坐在旁邊拍照,放到網上,幾乎要唱埋容祖兒的《我的驕傲》。





每個國家、地區對貧窮都有不同定義,但都是用收入、金錢來定義。在「應得文化」 (culture of entitlement)長大的一代,對貧窮的定義卻不同:人家有的我沒有,便是貧窮。更貼切的說:應是「被剝奪」(deprived)。人人有工作,我沒有,我便是「被剝奪」。人人有錢買iPhone,我沒錢買,我便是「被剝奪」。人人都有前途,我沒有,我便是「被剝奪」。


C.M. said...



個人黎講,我好難去理解佢講既「應得文化」係咩感受、態度、理由,真係好難。可能我自己傾向「等價交換」或「bartering culture」,對於免費一詞,從來都會同「代價」連埋一齊,密不可分。

突然諗起 social contract。

No contract, no consideration.
No contract, no commitment.
No contract, no identity.

Don't they have?